
Join us in prayer!

Living as a believer in Israel is not easy. Less than 0.02% of the population believes that Yeshua is the Messiah. We come under persecution from the Religious Jewish leaders, businesses, and at times, even family members. Would you join us in praying for us as believers, but also for the people of Israel to open their eyes to the Good News?

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Pray for our staff and family members.

Each week we go into the streets through various outreach opportunities. We come together and pray for the people we encounter.

As you know, we live in a region where tensions are very high. There is a constant threat of war. Please pray for our neighbors, our leaders and our military. Many of the people closest to us have served or are enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces.

Please join our mailing list for updates and prayer requests.

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PO BOX 3527
Tel Aviv 60135

+972 (0)3-621-2100


PO Box 60099
Jacksonville, FL 32236



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Swaffham PE37 9AW UK

+44 1760 725529